Image Clips dialog
for Image Scanner Implementation Only

Access the Image Clips dialog box by selecting Clips from the Document menu of the Application Module. The items on this dialog affect one sheet of one document in the application. This means you can make different selections for each sheet in each document.


Specify which sheet of the document this image and the associated information is for.

NOTE: When a sheet is incremented by the spinner, all data for the current sheet will be saved before displaying the data for the next sheet.

Fix Light Background Images

In some cases, the background form image (.tif file) does not bitone effectively when merged with a data sheet clip during the archiving process. Check the Enable Background Fix check box to enable ScanTools to change the luminance of the background TIFF image such that it will bitone effectively during the archiving process. This can be selected on a sheet by sheet basis. For an example, see the background form image files provided with Sample Application 701 and described in Creating an Application.

Remove Black from Background

Use this option to remove the display of non-dropout black areas from the background form image. The background form image is merged with the image clip taken by ScanTools software during scanning. When both the background image and the image clip contain non-dropout areas, sometimes an overlap area can occur, making the resulting image not as crisp and clean as possible. Check the Enable Black Removal check box to remove the non-dropout black from the background form image, resulting in a cleaner image clip for both archiving and editing. This can be selected on a sheet by sheet basis.

NOTE: If you are using this option and also select Clipping Mode = Sparse (individual clips) below, you may need to modify the clip area (drag the cursor over the area you want while pressing the CTRL key) to display the desired area for post-scan editing.

Paper Size

Initial Setting

Paper size is initially set to 8500 x 11000 thousandth inches assuming a portrait orientation.

If your "Measurement system" in Windows is set to metric, then the paper size is initially set to 216 x 279 mm. For more information see Changing Paper Size Units.

The paper size reflects the horizontal and vertical size of the background form image as it would look in an image viewer program. In other words, it is the size of the image in its un-rotated form.

The top and bottom sides of each sheet must be the same size when added (e.g. 8500 x 11000). If not, you see an error message requiring that you change the images so that the sizes are the same.

Background Form Image Orientation

The initial orientation of the background form images is not critical (i.e. the timing marks can be on any edge of an image). However, for ScanTools to use the images, the images must be rotated so that the timing marks of the top sheet are on the left side of the screen and the timing marks of the bottom sheet are on the right side.

To put the timing marks in the proper orientation for ScanTools, perform the following:

  1. Use an image viewer program to view the image.
  2. Note the position of the timing marks.
  3. Select the proper Rotation buttons (found in the Add Background Form Images for Sheet # dialog) to put the timing marks on the left edge for the top sheet and the right edge for the bottom sheet.

The top and bottom sides of each sheet must be the same size when added (e.g. 8500 x 11000). If not, you see an error message requiring that you change the images so that the sizes are the same.

Automatic Update

While the paper size is initially set to 8500 x 11000, some forms have sizes like 8500 x 10750. Because of this, ScanTools updates the paper size directly from the background form image you add or scan in the New or Select Document dialogs. The updated dimensions appear in the Horizontal and Vertical fields of the Image Clips dialog. This is done automatically, but because ScanTools cannot read the dimensions of some .tif files, it is important that you check to ensure that these dimensions are correct.

NOTE: The paper size reflects the horizontal and vertical size of the background form image as it would look in an image viewer program. In other words, it is the size of the image in its un-rotated form.

Synthesized Images

If you do not have a background form image, one is synthesized for you using the Horizontal and Vertical fields in the Image Clips dialog. Change the values to match the form that you are working with.

Background Form Image / Image Clip Mismatch

If during post-scan editing, using iNAME Merge, or post-scan archiving with the background form image, you see that the background form image is not aligning completely with the individual grid clips, you can use the Paper Size setting to adjust the dimensions of the background form image. Or, if your form has the required form ID mark and timing marks, you can use the OMR/Merge Horizontal Adjustment in the Application Settings dialog to improve the alignment of the background form image to the scanned image.

Scanner Model Paper Size Requirements

Background Top/Bottom Form Image File Name

The file name of the background form image for the top and bottom side of the sheet appears. If the file resides in the same directory as the ScanTools application file, only the file name is displayed. If the file resides elsewhere, the full path name appears.

You cannot select or change the file from this dialog. The background form image file is selected in the Add/Replace Background Form Images for Sheet # dialog.

If the background form image file name displayed is not suitable for merging with image clips, the following appears in the dialog:

Image not suitable for background form merge.

See also: Background Form Images Considerations


The background form image rotation appears. You cannot change the rotation from this dialog. The background form image file is rotated to scanned orientation, if necessary, in the Add/Replace Background Form Images for Sheet # dialog.

The rotation buttons are:

NOTE: The rotation displayed here is only for the background form image, not the individual grid clip files that are produced during scanning. Rotation of individual grid clip files for optimum viewing is defined on the Clip Attributes dialog, which is done separately for each grid, as needed.

For more information, see Image Rotation.

Clip Grayscale

For Whole Sheet clip. Select grayscale color depth. The choice is between file size and image quality.

It is supported with RLE, G3, and G4 (recommended) compression.

If the background form is also used, it is mapped into 16 gray tones, resulting in a 4-bit gray scale TIFF.

It is only supported with RLE compression.

If the background form is also used for a non-JPEG clip, 240 palette entries are reserved for grayscale data from the clip and 16 palette entries are reserved for the most popular colors from the form. This results in an 8-bit paletted color TIFF file.

If the background form is also used for JPEG clips, the clip file is a 24-bit color JPG file.

It is supported with RLE (recommended), G3, G4, and JPEG compression.

Clip Compression

For Whole Sheet clip. Select the method used to compress the image clip during scanning:


Unless you are in an environment where you need either the clarity of grayscale clips or RLE editing compatibility, we recommend that you use bitone with CCITT Group 4 Fax compression for whole sheet clips.  Bitone produces a smaller file size and CCITT Group 4 Fax compression and decompression is generally faster.

For archiving, when the combination of 256 grays and CCITT Group 3 or 4 Fax is selected, the archive clip saved is converted to 256 grayscale Packbits RLE. This is because there is a lack of industry standard support for 256 grayscale and CCITT Group 3 and 4.

For high speed scans, an image viewer that supports JFIF (JPEG File Interchange Format) images with a non-uniform aspect ratio must be used to properly display the 240 x 120 dpi JPEG images.

Clipping Mode

Image clips are captured if:

ScanTools allows you to specify whether you want to save only those portions of the image that will be needed later (Sparse/individual clips) or save an image with every pixel that passes through the scanner (Whole Sheet clip), either for Key From Image, edit correction, or archiving.

Sparse (individual clips)

Sparse clipping means only those individual grid image clips that will be needed later are saved. In the case of an OMR document with no edit failures and no archiving, no image clips are saved. Sparse clipping is advantageous because it is fast - no time is wasted compressing and saving regions of the form that you do not want. Sparse clipping also allows you to clip different areas of the form at different pixel depths, using different compression methods. This allows you to clip a portion of a form in grayscale for KFI, while you clip another portion in bitone for input to an archiving system.

When Sparse is selected, the following items are not available on this dialog. Instead, they are available and should be selected in the applicable Clip Attributes dialog for each individual grid, on each sheet.

CAUTION: Sparse clipping of software bar codes and, with iNAME, of grayboxes, is not compatible with use of absolute (.001 in or .01 mm) or Hybrid units of measurement. See Grid Measurement dialog - Unit of Measurement.

Whole Sheet

Whole sheet clipping might be done in cases where it is important to capture every possible comment that might be made on a page, or where the paper needs to be reconstituted from the clip and the background form image. When whole sheet clipping is enabled, any time ScanTools takes an image clip, it clips the whole page instead of just the region of interest. This ensures that the whole sheet clip occurs only once. At edit-time then, rather than having a few clips assembled onto a background form image, the entire page is visible. Since the smaller clips defined for each grid exist in the clip file as "phantom" clips, the editor is still able to highlight the particular area on the form that the edit failure is associated with.

When Whole Sheet is selected, the entire sheet is clipped in a single compression method at a single bit depth. The following items are selectable in this dialog and are not available in the individual Clip Attributes dialogs.

JPEG Quality

When you select JPEG as the Clip Compression type (above), this control becomes available to allow you to select the amount of compression used for JPEG clips. Select a number from 1 to 100. 1 uses the most compression to produce the smallest file size and the lowest image quality. 100 uses the least compression to produce the largest file size and the highest image quality. The default is 75.

Dynamic Threshold Data Type for Bitone Clips

For Bitone Whole Sheet clips only. Sets the Dynamic Threshold Data Type for Bitone Clips for the whole sheet image clip. The Dynamic Threshold Data Type for Bitone Clips controls how the bitone point is determined. This group of controls is enabled only when both Clip Grayscale- Bitone and Clipping Mode- Whole Sheet are selected (see above).

Manual Bitone Threshold

Allows the user to set the bitone threshold point for the whole sheet image clip (if selected). This control is enabled only when the Dynamic Threshold Data Type for Bitone Clips controls (above) are enabled and set to Manual. Values are based on 0 = black and 255 = white.

Bitone Edge Contrast Enhancement

For Bitone Whole Sheet clips only. This function removes shadows around dark text and other dark areas,removes shadows from white text on black backgrounds, andoutlines (in white) dark text on shaded backgrounds. If you are using a computer that meets only the minimum system requirements, enabling this function may negatively affect the speed at which sheets are scanned. This control is enabled only when Clip Grayscale= Bitone,Clip Compression = G3 or G4, and Clipping Mode = Whole Sheet (see above).

The parameters used for this function are defined in the ScanTools Main Window, Configure Menu. See Configure Bitone Edge Contrast Enhancement Parameters.

Background Offset for Grayscale Clips

This control group is enabled only when both Clip Grayscale - 256 Grays and Clipping Mode- Whole Sheet are selected (see above). Allows the user to affect the grayscale to which all image values greater than the Upper Grayscale Filter (controlled via Dynamic Threshold Type - Document/Sheet Level) are set. It does this by allowing the user to select a number to be added to the Upper Grayscale Filter to be used as the grayscale level for all pixels whose grayscale level is above the Upper Grayscale Filter. This function can be used to reduce the contrast between the kept full range grayscale below the Upper Grayscale Filter in grayscale level and the brighter single grayscale level background. This can be helpful in reducing eyestrain while viewing the image. If this control is not checked for a 256 Grays full sheet image, the background will be set to the fully white 255 grayscale value.

Enable Background Offset

Check to enable background offset for grayscale clips. If not checked, the background will be set to the fully white 255 grayscale value.

Background Offset

This sets the number to be added to the Upper Grayscale Filter to be used as the grayscale level for all pixels whose grayscale level is above the Upper Grayscale Filter. This control is only enabled when the Background Offset for Grayscale Clips is enabled and the Enable Background Offset is checked (see above).

Select a number from 0 to 100. The default is 40.



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See the ScanTools Suite System Requirements for further details on hardware and software requirements.

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