iNAME Configuration - Paths and Indexes Screen
for Image Scanner Implementation Only

Use this screen to define parameters for the Archive Directory, Filenames, Index File Format, and Index Entries to be included in the Index File that is generated during scanning.

Archive Directory and Filename

Identify the directories and filenames that will be used to store archived images and indexes.

The paths defined can be local drives, mapped network drives, or UNC network drives (i.e.\\server_name\share_name).

The total number of characters for the combination of Archive Base Directory Path, Archive Variable Directory Path, Archive Base Filename, and Archive Variable Filename cannot exceed 135.

If a path or file name is defined for a specific number of characters and the path or file name generated during scanning is not as long as defined, the name generated will have underscores (__) added to the end to fill in the defined length. If the path or file name generated during scanning is longer than the defined length, the name will be truncated.

The following illegal characters should not be entered into the Base or Variable Directory Path or the Base or Variable Filename:

: " | < > ? / *

If any of these characters is entered, an error message appears and scanning stops.

Archive Base Directory Path - Required

The Archive Base Directory Path is the directory location where the archive images for your application will be stored. The path name appears in the Archive Base Dir. Path area. You can either enter the path to this base directory manually or you can Browse to it. If you manually enter the path, be sure to include a backslash (\) after the drive letter. For example: C:\Archives.

This path is required; your iNAME configuration is unusable without it.


Use the Browse button to open the Set the Path to Store Archive Images dialog where you can navigate to the desired directory.

NOTE: If iNAME Configuration was previously used with Image ScanTools software, the directory path may point to the Image ScanTools directory. Navigate to the desired directory.

Archive Variable Directory Path - Required

The Archive Variable Directory Path is the directory location, within the Archive Base Directory, where the archive images for your application will be stored. The format for the path name appears in the Archive Variable Dir. Path area. You cannot enter the path format to this variable directory directly; you must create it within the Build Archive Variable Directory Format Stringng dialog by clicking Edit and then selecting from one or more of 15 different sources of variable information from the application and from data generated by the application during scanning.

The Archive Variable Directory can be a subdirectory under the Archive Base Directory or the variable directory path can simply be added to the Archive Base Directory Path.


Use the Edit button to open the Build Archive Variable Directory Format Stringng dialog where you can define a format string to create the desired variable directory.

This path is required; your iNAME configuration is unusable without it.

Archive Base Filename - Optional

This component of the file name is optional. If used, it is the same for all image files in the batch. For example: "BaseFileName".

Archive Variable Filename - Required

The Archive Variable Filename is the unique name assigned to an individual image file. The format for the filename appears in the Arch. Variable Filename area. You cannot enter the filename format directly; you must create it within the Build Archive Variable Filename Format Stringng dialog by selecting from one or more of 15 different sources of variable information from the application and from data generated by the application during scanning.

This file name is required; your iNAME configuration is unusable without it.


Use the Edit button to open the Build Archive Variable Filename Format Stringng dialog where you can define a format string to create the desired variable filename.

Index File Format

Select an index file format. ScanTools generates a single index file containing the index values for all the image clip files generated. The index file is not used by ScanTools but is created for the archiving system that will be used to store and access the image files.


NDX is the ScanTools native index file format. See Archive Index Files for detailed information about this format.


APX is the ApplicationXtender index file format. See Archive Index Files for detailed information about this format.


For the RAW index file format, you specify all the structure and format of the index.

RAW w/Index Name

For the RAW w/Index Name index file format, you specify all the structure and format of the index. The index name is included at the beginning of each index.

Image File Type

Single Image Files

Every image clip is a separate file.

Multi-Image Files

All image clips from one document of the ScanTools application are stored in one image file.

NOTE: You cannot select multi-image files if JPG compression is defined for any of the images selected.

User Exits

If you need to use a user exit with ScanTools and the iNAME image archiving function, enter the user exit name in the appropriate User Exit To Chain area:

Enter the entire user exit name, including the .dll extension. User exits are usually stored in the ScanTools main directory (C:\Program Files\ Scantron\ScanTools Plus is the default directory). If they are not stored in this directory, you must enter the full path and name for the user exit file. One user exit name can be entered in each area.

User exits entered here are always run after iNAME image archiving has been performed. You can also enter a User Exit File Name in the Application Settings dialog. iNAME image archiving can be run Before or After that user exit, based on your selection in the Enable iNAME group box.

For more information on creating user exits, see User Exits.

Run iNAME Merge After Scanning

Check Run iNAME Merge After Scanning if you want the iNAME Merge function to run automatically at the end of each scanning session that uses the application currently selected. iNAME Merge will start automatically when the End Scanning button is selected in the ScanTools Scanning Progress dialog or when the Stop button is selected in the ScanTools Scanner Error dialog.

iNAME Merge provides the option of saving just the merged images or of saving both the merged images and a backup of the unmerged images. Determine which option you need and then set Save a Backup of the Un-merged Images, as needed, in the iNAME Merge Options dialog.

If you do not select the Run iNAME Merge After Scanning check box and want to use the iNAME Merge function later, you can run it manually after scanning.

The iNAME Merge process requires write privileges to the root of the mapped network drive or the root of the UNC path. It can perform its tasks even if the application user does not have the required write privileges. To do so, you must define a Power User in the Power User group box who does have the required write privileges.

Power User

The Power User function enables you to configure iNAME image archiving and iNAME Merge to perform tasks that the application user has insufficient privilege to perform. For example, the user storing images on a mapped drive or UNC drive must have write privileges to the root of the specified directory. This function enables you to enter the Username, Domain, and Password of a proxy "Power User" so that iNAME has write privileges even if the actual application user does not.

NOTE: The Power User feature is not supported when ScanTools Plus is installed with Microsoft Vista.


Enter the power user username.


Enter the appropriate domain name for the power user.


The power user password appears here. The area is blank if a password has never been entered.

Asterisks (*) are substituted for characters for security purposes. When you save your iNAME configuration, the password is saved in the *.ini file in scrambled format for security purposes.


Select Edit to open the Set Power User Password dialog where you can enter or change a password.

Create/Modify Indexes

This area enables you to specify index values from the application and from data generated by the application during scanning to be included in archive indexes. When defined, these index values are appear before the index information ScanTools automatically generates for each index file. For example:

You can create any number of indexes for your application to enable your archiving system to most effectively access the image files.

Index format string area

Your index formats appear in the index format string area. You cannot enter index formats directly; you must create them within the Define Index and Build Index Format String For Selected Index dialogs.

The order of your index formats determines the order of the indexes in your index file. If you want to change the order, click on an index format to select it and then click Move Selected Up or Move Selected Down. If you want to add, modify, or delete an index format string, click on it to select it and then click one of the buttons below to Add Index, Edit Selected Index, or Delete Selected Index. You can select one format string at a time.

Edit Selected Index

Select an index format string in the index format string area and then click Edit Selected Index to open the Define Index dialog where you can modify the index format string. You can also double click on the index format string to open the Define Index dialog.

Add Index

Click Add Index to open the Define Index dialog where you can add a new index format string.

Move Selected Up

Select an index format string and then click Move Selected Up to change the index order.

Move Selected Down

Select an index format string and then click Move Selected Down to change the index order.

Delete Selected Index

Select an index format string and then click Delete Selected Index to remove it.


Select Save to save your iNAME (*.ini) configuration file.

Images to Archive

Select Images to Archive to open the iNAME Configuration - Images To Archive Definition Screen where you can select the images you want to archive during scanning.



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See Scantron Technical Support for additional information on technical support and training options.

See the ScanTools Suite System Requirements for further details on hardware and software requirements.

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