Importing Translate Tables

Using the Translate Tool, you can import translate tables from a different ScanTools application into the currently open application. We recommend creating a unique ScanTools application whose sole purpose is to contain all custom translate tables needed for all your scanning applications. This single-purpose application should be considered a library or collection of translate tables. Every time you need a translate table for a scanning application, you should add it to the translate table library application. From the translate table library application, you can then import one or more translate tables into the appropriate scanning applications.

Use the following procedure to import a translate table:

  1. In the application module, open the scanning application into which you want to import one or more translate tables.
  2. In the upper left corner, open the Translate Tool. It is the button that has 1 = A, or Translate on it.
  3. In the Translate Tool, use the Import Table button.
  4. The Select Application File dialog appears. Navigate to and select the ScanTools application containing the translate tables to import, and click OK. Only application files with extension .sds can be selected. If you have created a translate table library application, as recommended, this is the application you should select.
  5. The Select Translate Table(s) to Import dialog appears; it is a list of all translate tables in the selected application. To see the contents of any of the translate tables listed, select one table and use the Display Table Entries… button. The Display Translate Table Entries dialog for that specific table appears, which lists the characters defined for that translate table. Use this list to verify the table is the one you need to import.
  6. In the Select Translate Table(s) to Import dialog, select the translate tables to import. More than one translate table can be selected at a time. Ctrl+click to pick tables in any order or Shift+click to pick several adjacent tables at the same time. With all tables selected, click OK to begin the importing process.
  7. During the import operation, the currently open application and the selected application translate tables names and contents are checked for duplication. When a duplicate table name is encountered, the Duplicate Translate Table Name - Import dialog appears, giving you the opportunity to do one of the following:

TIP: You can import system translate tables as long as you give them a unique name. If a system translate table is similar to what you need in your application, you can save time by renaming, importing, and then modifying it for use as a custom translate table in your application.

  1. After the import operation is complete, the Import Translate Table(s) Complete dialog appears. It lists which tables were successfully imported, and which tables were not imported. This gives you the opportunity to verify which tables were imported by name, and which were not. Select OK to exit the dialog and return to the application into which you have imported the table(s).
  2. Save the application in one of two ways: 1) Use the Save function on the Application menu to save it to the same application name and number or, 2) Use the Save As function to save it to a different application name and number.



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