Imaging scanners such as the iNSIGHT 2/4 and iNSIGHT 70/150 deliver raw grayscale images only. Dual stream imaging scanners such as the iNSIGHT 20 and iNSIGHT 30 can simultaneously deliver images with 2 clip depths. The primary image acquisition channel provides 8-bit grayscale images for ultra-high quality OMR and is subject to the Scantron special color dropout algorithm. The dual stream delivers bi-tonal images or 24-bit true color images. Images on the dual stream are not subjected to the Scantron special dropout algorithm used on the primary (grayscale) channel. A bi-tonal image from the dual stream is like a black and white photocopy of the scanned form and a color image from the dual stream is a color photocopy. The most obvious use case for these non-dropout images is document archival/paper elimination.
You can also use a full or partial image to display to the user for purposes of editing. Just remember that you should be using forms with timing marks if you specify the OMR coordinate space. If you use world coordinates, you can use English (0.001”), metric (0.1 mm) and himetric (0.01mm) units of measure. This applies to non-dualstream imaging as well.
Set SideOfSheet (for example, to sosTop or sosBottom).
Set ClipCoordinateSpace (for example, to ClipCoordinateSpace.csWorld).
Set UnitOfMeasure for example, to UnitOfMeasure.uomEnglish).
Set ClipDepth to ClipDepth.cd24BitNonDropped to request true color image or ClipDepth.cdBitoneNonDropped to request bi-tone non-dropped image.
Set other attributes as appropriate:
Set CompresssionMethod to ClipCompressionMethod.cpmJPEG.
Set JpegQuality (default is 75).
Set ClipRotation.
Test ClipHelper.TopImageExists or ClipHelper.BottomImageExists as appropriate to confirm the availability of the image prior to requesting the clip.
Call ClipHelper.WriteClipToFile4 to request a full-page clip. Ensure that the file extension is .JPG to match the JPEG compression.
See Installed_Samples_Overview.
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| Scantron Corporation Customer Service (forms, products, and services): 1-800-SCANTRON (722-6876) Technical Support: 1-800-445-3141 | |
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