Collecting data for 150,000+ institutions and businesses!

Join the millions of people around the world who successfully use Scantron’s data capture solutions!

5 Million

Surveys delivered in 2022


International distributors Scantron has strategic partnerships with


Installed base of active scanners in the United States

Data Collection Solutions for Every Organization

Offering best-in-class scanning and data intelligence solutions, Scantron transforms data into actionable insights, efficiently and at-scale.


Whether teachers need to quickly administer classroom formative assessments or conduct polls or surveys, Scantron’s iconic solutions save time and eliminate the hassle of manual scoring.

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Higher Education

Automate exams, course evaluations, and surveys, and collaborate with peers to develop and deliver online or paper tests for efficient results reporting.

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Corporate & Government

Efficiently assess skills and engagement, measure and improve performance, and deeply understand how customers, members, or constituents experience your brand, services, and offerings.

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Scantron has extensive international expertise in large-scale, high volume, and high-stakes examinations processing. We are experts at designing solutions for multi-site, regional, and localized environments around the world.

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Customer Testimonials

“The precision and reliability of Scantron scanners and software helped to ensure the integrity of our data from day one and continue to do so now.”

-Mike, Database Manager


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“We needed a survey tool for our students…Scantron is more than a vendor, they’re a partner for us.”

-Apriale, Institutional Research Coordinator


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“I’ve seen [Scantron’s] Class Climate be a major benefit to gathering data and making positive changes each year.”

-Karen, Assistant Director of Advising


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“Scantron’s [scanning] solution is easily scalable…We know we’ll be able to use Scantron and maintain our speed.”

-Laurie, Specialist


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