A key factor in driving institutional effectiveness is measuring outcomes. As college prices rise, students require value for their tuition dollar. One way to demonstrate value is to design specific student learning outcomes for courses and programs, then measure whether courses help students achieve those objectives. It all starts with a smart plan to develop a meaningful set of outcomes that support student learning and meet regional and accreditation standards.

Amanda Kin, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness at Jefferson State Community College in Alabama, will discuss her department’s process to develop and measure meaningful student learning outcomes that drive and demonstrate institutional effectiveness. She’ll answer questions such as:

  • At what level do you want defined outcomes? For each course? For an entire program of study? Both?
  • What aspects of learning do you consider?
  • What elements do you include in the development (e.g., accreditation standards, institutional goals, course descriptions, etc)?
  • How do you measure the outcomes (perception/survey, achievement/exam, etc)?
  • How do you use the measurement results to drive institutional effectiveness?


Featured Speaker:

Amanda Kin, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness, Jefferson State Community College, Alabama
