Translate Table Match Found dialog
The Translate Table
Match Found dialog box appears when you are attempting to
import a document with a translate
table identical in name and content to a translate table of a document
already in the destination application. Do one of the following:
- Click Yes
to use the existing translate table already in the application
with the new document being imported. However if after you import the
document, you change the translate table in the imported document, the
changes will also apply to any existing documents that use it.
- Click No
to rename the translate table to be imported so that the table
will remain unique. The Duplicate
Translate Table Name dialog
box appears next allowing you to change the name. software
does not allow duplicate names in the same application so you must rename
the table to be imported. You can then modify the translate tables separately.
This dialog box appears for each translate
table in the import document matching a translate table in the destination
application in name and content.